Weekly/Monthly Opportunity Listings

Limited Submissions (weekly)

Limited Submissions

Published by OVPR, these are extramural competitive grant opportunities that limit the number of proposals per institution. Updated every week. An internal process will determine submissions; contact the CAHNR Grants Officer with any questions.

When you reach the web link, scroll down and select the second option: “New Limited Submission Opportunities (Updated Each Wednesday)

Innovation Funding Opportunities (updated as opportunities become known by OVPR)

Innovation Funding

Published by OVPR, this link provides innovation extramural grant opportunities. This list is updated as opportunities become known.

Hanover Grants Digest for Research Opportunities (approximately weekly)

Newly announced funding opportunities for institutions for higher education, tailored specifically for the researcher

Hanover Weekly Digest (Research)

Hanover Digest for Programmatic Grant Opportunities (approximately weekly)

Newly announced funding opportunities for nationwide programmatic grants

Hanover Weekly Digest (Programmatic)

Hanover Grants Overview Digest (approximately monthly)

Overview of grant opportunities that Hanover predicts will be released in the coming months